
At Miss Amara we believe you might not get the choice of rug right the first time round, so we offer a no questions (we only ask you how we could have improved selecting your rug more easily) asked 30 day return policy. If you don’t think it’s quite right for you, just return the item (undamaged and in it’s original condition) and we’ll provide a full refund. We’ll even pay for return shipping!

Our Try it At Home returns service is designed for customers to try one rug at a time. It is not intended for customers to purchase more than one rug with plans to select one and return the others. Have you found several you can't decide between? Pick the one you love most and start with that! Or have one of our friendly stylists help you choose. Don't worry, if it's not perfect you can return and choose another.

** Items not eligible for change of mind returns: made to order rugs, custom size orders, or underlays. Orders of 3 or more items of any size or style, only a single item from the order is eligible for return.  Orders of 2 or more of the same SKU (same style & same size), only a single item of the same SKU is eligible for return (whether those items are in the same order number or separate order numbers over a period of time).

Faulty Items:

You may also return your rug if it’s faulty for a full refund, exchange, or credit within 30 days of purchase. We will pay for return shipping. 

How to Return Your Rug:

Send us an email at or contact us via the orange chat icon on the bottom right hand side of the screen. 

Returns Packaging:

Keep original packaging where possible and package rug securely in original packaging.  To ensure rug is not damaged in transit roll rug up with ends 100% flush (as received in original packaging), and ensure entire rug is covered securely with plastic. Any damage to rug in return transit due to improper packaging may result in a refund being denied.